Frequently asked questions

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How long will it take to make my website?
Unfortunately this is one of those "It depends" answer. I only take on a few projects at a time so I can devote a lot of focus on each project however depending on the complexity and size of the website you are after it can take anywhere from a week or 2, up to a few months or more. I can give you a more accurate estimation after we talk about what you are after.
What do you charge for a website?
Well, another "it depends" answer. The total cost of a website can range from $1000 up to tens of thousands of dollars. Typically though a professional looking website that covers what your business is, services offered, a contact page, etc will be around $2000 to $3000. A more complex website, like a booking website with members or an ecommerce website, these typically range between $5000 to $8000. I can give a more accurate quoate after we talk about your needs with the website.
When do I have to pay for my website?
Once we have established what website you are after, I require an initial payment of 25% of the quoted total cost of the webstie before I start work. The remainder of the cost would need to be paid before the website goes "Live".
Is there a monthly hosting fee?
Every website needs a hosting account, I do offer hosting for my clients however you are not required to purchase hosting from me, you can host your website with any hosting company.
What if I need something changed/altered on my website?
If it is a website I made for you I fix any bugs or issues that arise for free, as long as it is what was originally requested. If you would like something new added to your website or part of it changed after it is completed, I can do this no problems however you would be required to pay for the additional work.
Do you offer revisions?
I will work with you to make sure the website is exactly what you wanted, I will revise and change any part of the website as long as it falls within what was originaly requested and agreed upon. You can't use a revision request to completely change something or add something new that was not in the original agreement, I can do changes like that but at an additional cost.